Empire Builder: Ancient Egypt is a strategy game in which you build entire Egyptian cities and monuments. Throughout the game, you construct cities along the Nile river until you ultimately form an empire. Each level has a certain goal that you must achieve in order to get to the next one. These goals include constructing certain buildings, reaching a certain level of happiness, owning a certain number of gardens, building monuments, among others.
As you progress in the game, more buildings, monuments, amulets, etc., are unlocked, so you can create and upgrade your empire to the highest possible level. You are also limited by the number of workers and materials you possess, which are granted as you progress. In time, you will also be able to upgrade, repair, and clear buildings, as well as buy or sell existing properties. This is actually how you get the money, by selling or leasing properties. Also, more gold is given when you achieve certain goals. There are amulets as well, earned as you progress, which can help you achieve your goals faster. Your masters, that is the pharaohs for whom you work, will assist you all the time, suggesting or explaining you how the different options work or what you have to do. In between games, you will have to play memory games, that are really easy and get repetitive and boring.
The graphics as well as the music are very good, and contribute to set the perfect atmosphere for each situation you go through. All in all, Empire Builder: Ancient Egypt is a good option when looking for an enjoyable construction game, since it offers a quite original gameplay and an interesting theme. However, it is worth noting that the game isn't very challenging.